
This is the place ima be bloggin about random stuff day to day. ***RULES: the random posts will be on the right side of the pic under BLOG ARCHIVES :3 and other pages about some interesting stuff without a series or just random cool stuff about animes new and old will be at the very bottom of this window under PAGES thanku for reading and plez enjoy my blog *bows*


So on my way to lookin around the internet a loooooong while back I found these cute anime people that arent in an actual anime but hav bunches of fans so I looked it up and there came the vocaloids.

(applause) lol this isn't even half of them there are plenty more but the main one is the girl with the blue-green hair her name is Hatsune Miku and each has an individually made voice for the epic songs they sing. OH let me warn you they rrr cute but they rrr also super gory for some people but only in select videos. If you want to see a really good one check up "Alice Human Sacrafice" on youtube and pick ur fav come back and leave a comment (always the comment catch)
(applause) *bows* thanku thanku ur too kind.
ps. I hoped you enjoyed gettin some info

if you think "oh those chibis arent cute" first: ur a crackhead. second: look at these sweet pics and i dare you to say vocaloids arent epic and cute.

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ImageShack, share photos, pictures, free image hosting, free video hosting, image hosting, video hosting, photo image hosting site, video hosting site

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WHAT!!!!!!! >:0

1 comment:

  1. THAT IS EPICCCCCC!!!!!!!! haha awsome pics cute and awsome yayzzzz!!!!!
