
This is the place ima be bloggin about random stuff day to day. ***RULES: the random posts will be on the right side of the pic under BLOG ARCHIVES :3 and other pages about some interesting stuff without a series or just random cool stuff about animes new and old will be at the very bottom of this window under PAGES thanku for reading and plez enjoy my blog *bows*

MikoReviews(Small Backstory)

Heya its Miko if some of you just came from the website tinierme I understand the confusion that I am not Rijima. I am his former demon and I of course much like my former master love anime! XDDD Now that you know of this confusion still exists, but my master is making a manga of the whole story and how it went down so you'll see me and master so please be patient and read + comment on my blogs! CHOW-NEE! XDDD